Know more your ignition engine system, read this ignition component first (part 1)

Ignition System Components
A.      Battery
     This component serves to provide current 12 Volt low voltage for the ignition coil. The battery is an electrochemical made to supply power to the engine starter system, ignition system, lights, and other components. This tool store electrical energy in the form of chemical energy released when needed and supply it to each of the electrical system. The charging cycle and expenditures occur continuously.

1.       Battery Construction
In the sulphuric acid electrolyte batteries are the positive electrode and negative electrode in the form of plates. The rooms are divided into several cells, and in each - each cell there are some elements that are submerged in the electrolyte.
a.       Battery element
     Inter plates positive and negative each connected by a strap plate. Bond positive and negative plates mounted alternately bounded by separator and fiberglass, the preparation of this plate broad aim enlarge allusion between the active ingredient and the electrolyte so that the electricity generated great.

b.      Electrolyte
     Battery electrolyte is a sulphuric acid solution with distilled water, the density of the electrolyte in the battery in a fully charged state is 1,260 or 1,280 (at a temperature of 20ยบ C). 1.260 specific gravity electrolyte containing 65% distilled water and 35% sulphuric acid, while the electrolyte density 1.280 containing 63% water and 37% sulphuric acid.

c.       Battery box
     Battery boxes are divided into six rooms or cells, in which there is a sign of upper and lower surfaces. Elevated position from the base plate and given a baffle, aim to prevent the short circuit.

d.      Ventilation Stoppers
     Stoppers vent is close to filling hole electrolytes, aims to separate hydrogen gas out through the ventilation holes while the sulphuric acid vapour condenses on the edge of the vent and drip back down.

B.      Ignition Switch
The ignition system ignition serves to connect and disconnect the electric current flow from the battery to the ignition coil.

C.      Ignition Coil
In this system, the ignition coil serves to raise the voltage (12 V) into a high-voltage (15 KV to 20 KV) required for ignition. To enhance the low voltage of the ignition coil there are two coils, namely;
1.       Primary coils. This coil creates a magnetic field serves the ignition coil to be raised on the coil-coil induction. Characteristic of the primary coil is a coil that has a large cross section and roll a little.
2.       Secondary coil. This coil serves to add an induction into a high voltage to the spark plugs were subsequently channelled into a spark. The hallmark of the secondary coil is a coil that has a small cross section and rolls very much. For more details, see the image below.

a.       The workings of the ignition coil
 The theory of the high voltage
The voltage that occurs in the coil ignition coil based on the principle of mutual induction / induction together. If on an iron bar wrapped so that it becomes a fine wire coil, then electrified, then in the iron core magnetism will occur with the line style.

A magnetic force that occurs in the iron core depends on two factors, there are; a large number of coil windings and the current flowing in the coil
if the contact point is open, an electric current flowing from the battery to be disconnected, but the lines of magnetic force that arises in the iron core tends to continue the flow of electric current. The tendency lines of magnetic force to continue the flow of electric current will cause an electric current to the coil even if the electric current of the battery is not flowing. This incident is said to coil induced by lines of magnetic force are lost because only the induced coil is called induction alone
b.      Various Ignition Coil.
On vehicles generally use three kinds of ignition coil;
1)      Canister Type
This type has an iron core in the middle and the secondary coil surrounds the iron core. The primary coil is located on the outer side of the secondary coil. Overall components are assembled in a house in a metal canister. Sometimes a canister filled with oil (lubricant) to help reduce the heat produced by the coil. Constructions type of canister as shown in the figure below.

2)       Moulded
Moulded-type coil is a type that is now commonly used. In this type of iron core in the middle, surrounded by the primary coil, while the secondary coil is located on the outside. Overall assembled components are then wrapped in resin (amber) to be resistant to vibration commonly found in motorcycles.
Moulded type of coil a popular choice because it is resistant and robust construction. In multicylinder engines (many cylinder) usually one coil serves two spark plugs because it has two high voltage cables of the secondary coil.

3)      The combined coil mode (fused) with cap plugs (spark plug)
This coil mode is a type of the most recent and often referred to as coil rod (stick coil). The large size and weighs less than the type of moulded coil and biggest advantage is this coil does not require a high voltage cable.


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